- Location: University of Wyoming Water Resources Laboratory
- Dimensions and Capacity:
- 7.3 m long test section, 0.29 m wide, 0.35m deep
- Single slurry pump capable of up to 35 L/s discharge
- Adjustable slope from 0 to .05 m/m in arbitrary increments
- Six plexiglass windows in lower 5 m of test section for viewing or photographic data collection
- Features and Capabilities:
- Recirculates both water and sediment
- Recirculate grain sizes up to 1cm
- Constant discharge or constant head flow
- Sediment flux measurement capabilities:
- Tipping bucket with load cells for time-series total load measurement for experiments with coarse sediment (>250 micron minimum grain size)
- Sediment extraction from fully mixed return-flow pipe for time-average total load for experiments with fine sediment (<1000 micron maximum grain size)
- Six isokinetic suspended sediment extraction tubes for single-depth-point suspended concentration measurements within the test reach (<1000 micron maximum grain size)
- Recirculates both water and sediment

Data catalog entry:
Experimental Setup:
Lab Facilities: